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Phone: 732-422-5673
Second Floor - Above Santander Bank
1870 Route 27
Suite 202
Edison, NJ 08817
When an individual or a couple makes the decision that they want to stop renting and become a homeowner, so begins the very long, yet very exciting process of purchasing a house. Of course, many people get the ball rolling by checking out home listings online in an effort to see what kinds of houses are available in the neighborhoods they like. Searching online gives potential buyers an idea of what they can get for their money. It is important to determine what the buyer can’t live without and what they can wait a few years to upgrade.
The next step is to sit with a mortgage broker or a bank and get pre-approved for a mortgage. Once the buyer’s credit score is to their liking and they feel they have enough money saved for a down payment, it is time to get serious about the buying process. Then, it is a good idea to meet with a real estate agent that can help you during the process. They can show you around and give you a realistic idea about any potential for price negotiations.
Eventually, the buyer will find the perfect home, make an offer, and get it under contract. Then, a real estate attorney will review the contract for 3 days. Once the contract is approved and signed, the closing process can proceed. If you need an experienced real estate attorney, contact us today.
Juan C. Velasco, Esq. is a trusted attorney who concentrates on bankruptcy, family law, real estate, and estate matters who has been serving the New Jersey area for over 25 years. If you are in need of experienced legal counsel, please contact Velasco Law Office and we will be happy to assist you.
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